White Hair Remedy: White hair will become Permanent Black in 2 hours, just mix this one thing in henna and you will forget to apply color

White Hair Remedy: White hair will become Permanent Black in 2 hours, just mix this one thing in henna, you will forget to apply color

Are your gray hairs making you look old before your age? So paint them not with chemical colors, but with homemade colors. It will not only hide the whiteness but also make it shiny.

Graying of hair is becoming common in young age. If you use chemical color to hide it, then it is sure that this whiteness will increase further and your hair will get worse faster. Chemical colors are also a big reason for hair breakage and breakage from the root.

But it is not that if you do not use color then your hair cannot be black. Here we are going to tell you some such home remedies which will get rid of the whiteness of your hair and it will not have any side effects.

home remedies to turn white hair black

To darken the hair, take 2 spoons of amla powder and 3 spoons of coconut oil in a vessel and heat it, then let the oil cool down and when the oil cools down, massage it well by applying it to the roots of your hair. Do this, then leave this oil overnight and you can do this process twice a week. Within a few days, the whiteness of your hair will also disappear and hair fall too.

Black coffee will make hair naturally black

Black coffee makes hair black naturally. Black coffee is also used as an energy drink, but black coffee can also help in blackening your white hair, for this you first boil 2 cups of water and add 4 teaspoons of black coffee powder to it. Then cool that water and apply it on your hair and then after about 1 hour remove the coffee water.

Mix tea leaves, turmeric and indigo with henna (mehndi)

The easiest, effective and most effective natural dye to darken hair is to mix tea leaves, turmeric and indigo in henna. Take green henna and indigo powder in equal parts and mix 3 spoons of turmeric in it and mix it in the water of tea leaves and apply it on the hair. Wash hair after 2 hours and your white hair will start to look black. This will last for about 20 days. Then you repeat this process again, hair will start becoming black, shiny and naturally strong.

(Disclaimer: Our article is just to provide information. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details.)

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Also read: Benefits of Henna Powder for hair

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