How To Apply Henna In Summer: These things can be used to apply henna in summer.
How To Apply Henna In Summer : As soon as summer comes, the worry of hair starts troubling. Yes, because most of the time in winters, we keep our heads covered. Due to which the hair is easily hidden. But as soon as summer comes, we start thinking about applying color or henna to white hair. Many people hesitate to color their hair. In this case, henna can be applied to the hair to hide the white hair. Applying henna in summer gives coolness to the body and also makes hair black, thick and fast. Many people want to apply henna, but many times in summer, by putting wrong ingredients, the hair does not turn black and the color of henna also does not grow properly. Today, in this article, we will tell you how to apply henna in summer and make the hair grow thick and fast as it turns black.

How to apply henna on hair in summer? (How To Apply Henna In Summer In Hindi)
First way to apply mehndi
To apply henna, first wash your hair. Apply henna when light hair is dry. Apply henna as per your need. If you are applying henna to blacken your hair, then add amla powder, tea leaf water or coffee powder to the henna in summer and keep the henna soaked. After soaking the henna after 5 to 6 hours, now apply this henna to the hair. By applying henna to the hair in this way, the problem of untimely white hair will be removed and the hair will also be thick. Amla powder is considered to have a cooling effect. In such a situation, it can be easily applied in summer by putting it in henna.
Another way to apply mehndi
If you are troubled by the dryness of hair , then you can apply curd mixed with henna in summer. By doing this the hair will be saved from drying and it also becomes shiny. Curd has a cooling effect. Often people hesitate to apply it in winter. On the other hand, applying curd in summer brings shine to the hair and also protects hair from dryness.
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Third way of applying mehndi
To apply henna to the hair in summer, egg can also be mixed in it. To use it, when you start applying henna, add 1 egg to it and then mix it well. Applying henna to the hair in this way in summer makes the hair silky and soft. Use more water to wash hair after applying egg. When the hair is dry, massage the hair with oil. Next day use a mild shampoo to wash the hair.
These methods can be used to apply henna in summer. But keep in mind that if any treatment has been done on the hair, then use henna only after the advice of a hair expert.